I'm not sure about a lot of things in this plan. Too much time allotted for various long workouts during a certain week, or too little? 20 miles max long run leading in...that I know is my max long run. Doing that, I'll be better prepared for this marathon than I was for my first and only one in '03. 7 times over 100 miles on the bike...enough? At least 7 swims over 4,000 meters. 7 is a lucky number. Not necessarily my lucky number.
I'll take this spreadsheet and use it as a template for planning my weekly workouts in Training Peaks. You can see that I'm a 3 weeks "on", one week "off" kinda guy. There have been rumblings that there may be a decent sized gathering of raceAthlete folks at the FL70.3 race...that would be very cool. I don't want to commit to any races yet, to those of you who are looking for a piece of the Bigun (you know who you are...), but I do like to look ahead.
When it's all right there in front of me...it's looks like the blink of an eye! April and May are going to be intense. I feel sorry for Di already, all the stinky workout clothes, me lying around the house sleeping and obsessing, getting up early to swim and run, waking her up. Poor girl. I'm lucky to have her...and that she puts up with me. I'll be needing her cow bells in June for sure!
That's really cool. It's hard for me to even think about next year just yet. I've got one more race to go then I'm looking forward to some R&R. Cool site.
That's intense!
I think by most recreational IM folks' plans, 7 centuries is enough. Haven't managed to get up to that number myself.
One other thing you might have to factor in is your workload - my husband used to be a gardeing contractor and there were times of the year he was so flat out he was exhausted.
Good luck with everything!
IM don't stand a chance against you Bigun. And somehow I think Di will love you just the same or more. Having an awesome support system rocks.
That’ll do pig. Woops, did I say that! You can come on over and insult me any time.
Seriously, I think that looks like a solid plan. Lord knows it shows more discipline that I have…that is if you follow it. I put together great looking plans and then make all kinds of excuses to race mostly but also excuses to increase my bike mileage. Something that I don’t see that I do like are two big bricks. Sure, I use half-IMs as brick workouts for my IM race but I also throw in to bricks that I consider key workouts. One is a 100 mile ride followed by a 10 mile run and the other is a 20 mile ride followed by a 20 mile run.
Hey Dude - Looks good. If it was me, I'd ditch FL 70.3 and go with a 3 week taper for CdA. Maybe look for a 1/2 IM 6-8 weeks out from CdA? Maybe look for a whole marathon the end of this calendar year? I like the spreadsheet but it isn't a true training plan until you have dozens of worksheets and the file size exceeds 2M. Now turn off yur computer and go train :^D
Solid plan, I got tired just reading it. I think I will go take a nap now.
Awesome plan man, this is exaclty what I was looking to sit down and do the next few weeks, thanks for doing all the leg work for me.
That's some serious planning! Need a macro??? :)
The graph looks cool. The little weather guy that supposed to look like you...GAY.
Yesterday he had a doggie - did it run away? Perhaps the pup was embarrased by the green hair??
I feel bad that I can't relate to any of this stuff. I'm just here to say that if you ever want to exercise your brain, give me a call! ;)
Brandon 1/2 gone!
Gasparilla gone!
Bradenton 101 ON!
St. Anthony's ON!
FL70.3 ONLY if you can control your self!
And I know you can't.
Think about it.
Your to competitive. ;)
Save some for CdA.
OK, we're going to be training together for Idaho. remember, each workout is one small step closer to the Ironman finish line (and party the next day).
respect the ironman distance, but remember what's important is your getting in your long distances each week: a single long swim, bike and swim. the rest is gravy.
Hey Dude -
I notice your goal on the FL Challenge is 5:45. Mine is 5:45:54. Did you hack my spreadsheet?
I'm with blink on the FL 70.3. I don't think you can cruise it.
When you finish the Gasparilla will you come back to the finish line and wait another hour for me? With cowbells? ;)
good plan (yea, like I'D actually know a good plan).
Just reading about it makes me nervous.
I still think your insane. Although I said never on a half IM, and I'm already considering that, so I guess we are all insane.
I'll have to have you set up a training plan for me, I will need some beer drinking days though.
Like Mondays, Tuesdays and probably Wednesdays and Thursdays, and of course on Fridays and Saturdays....I guess Sunday will be a long work out day.
My bad on Brandon and Gasparilla, I'm not sure how I missed the mary part. Doh! The rest I stand by. The plan looks good, now go for it.
Di you rule!!!!! Awesome.
FL 70.3 may not be a bad idea IF you can use is as a brick vs racing it...
I'm considering doing something similar with the Florida challenge a couple of weeks before IM FL, since I'm scheduled to do a 6-7 hour brick that day anyway.
Looks like the plan of a pro! I'm with Kahuna. Do one long of each discipline; the rest is gravy.
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