I think
Tri-Greyhound's teased us wayyyy too much with his posturing about the
red bikini swim briefs. In an effort to provide "coverage" of this continuing development, we here at Bigun

Studios have purchased un-retouched photos of our fearless Tri-Greyhound getting ready for a swim in a nearby pool, or, a modeling gig....check it out:
Many of you will never be the same...Tri-Greyhound has asked that all offers be routed though his agent.
But you caught me...I know, I know - the Greyhounds had a little bit too many calories since becoming an Ironman, and

we here at Bigun Studios have had to really shell out the bucks to bring you, well, the REST of the story:
Thank you - Greyhound's attempts to deprive us of the pic we wanted has been soundly thwarted! Phew!
he said he was 9% body fat, it looks like a little more like he meant 29%. :-)
c'mon, greyhound... nothing like a little peer pressure, hm??
The m-dot is on the wrong shoulder, but the abs in the first picture are spot on.
oh. my. god.
thats all i got.
Oh god, this is priceless! You must be feeling better!
Good job!
Wow...scrolling through my folder of blogs and I was not expecting that visual imagery to grace my eyes. Nicely done though!
swirling my fingers in me eyes TM
thank you for that
All accounts, acts and utterances are the sole property of Clydesdales have big bikes.com and or the Bigun. No TM's, ATMs, Royalties or likewise can be claimed or announced whilst attempting humor, sarcasm, applause or any other accolade in a comment, rebuttal, review or statement concerning or in accordance with the CHBB.com website or towards the Bigun during or at any other time in and around this website or blog, whichever comes first. Please refrain, forth wit, from attempting a claim of TM or Royalties in this or any other post, picture or saying, song, poem, parody, race review, rant or OPED without prior consent of the Bigun, parties relating to the Bigun and or, of course, Mrs. Bigun. Most likely, you'll be pissing into the wind (TM), but it never hurts to ask.
Please tell me this means you're feeling better!
OOOOO my eyes! Please pass the eye bleach....... there should be a ban on nuthuggers.
I'm glad it's not just me stacking on the El Bees since IM.
Maybe you could start a Biggest Loser: Ironman Edition?
What the hell! I go away for one little weekend and look what you have gotten yourself into!
oh. my. you guys have way too much fun with teh photoshopz
Just in time for indoor swimming season...but what does he taste like?
I haven't laughed that hard in awhile!
(Oh please, PUHHLEEZ keep me in Bigun's good graces).
LOL!!! That is GREAT!!!
oh I'm blind, I'm blind!
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