Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sugoi and me

I've got some cool stuff from "My" Sugoi Rep, Devon - you can see what I got to the right:

I'll be trying out his garb and the gu's over the next couple of weeks, and especially at my next tri, coming up in a week, and let you all know what I think.

What I really think.

I'm excited about it.

This past week was kinda crummy training wise. I'll try and make up for it tomorrow on my bike ride - and even try and get in a run afterward some time during the day. It rained and rained every day here, and not just a few drops here and there. Buckets. Lightning. Not good for outdoor training.

Tac's really been wanting some Sugoi stuff - too bad he doesn't blog anymore...


Visionbuilder said...

If you can't get outside to train, I'd suggest not wasting the day. Carb load!! Did I mention beer is loaded with carbs!!!

Devon said...

Hello from your personal gear rep! ;)

Hope you enjoy the sugoi and headsweats gear and gu chomps! Please let me know what you think when you get a chance.

Take care,