Friday, May 15, 2009

Training Cobwebs

Well, I waited about 11 months to get back in the pool, and of course, it shows. I went to the "Y" close to work, and was pleasantly surprised that the pool was refurbished while I was gone. All new surfaces along the bottom and sides. Brandon Family YMCA - kudos to ya!

But I got yelled at today for diving headfirst into my swim lane. "Soon there will be kids here in the summer, and if you do it, they all will think they can do it". Gotcha, lady. I didn't need the lecture, really - a simple don't dive in would have sufficed. I'd probably dove into that pool 40 times in the past...

I feel the swimming muscles coming back to life. Chest, biceps, lats, core... it's awesome. My crummy 600 yards and die wasn't awesome, but 2 days later getting in 800 yards in the same time was a boost to the swim spirit.

Guys and Gals - ya really don't want to take that much time off. Yes, life gets in the way. But more reality was that laziness and depression got in the way much, much more.

I've gotten word that there's a good chance I'll be testing some Sugoi products for review on my Blog and in our podcast. Tac didn't get the initial invite, because as we all know, Tac doesn't really blog. Yes, there is still the TacBoy and Bigun Podcast - it's just so hard to be funny when so much of your financial life swings in the balance. Things are looking up though, and it will be fun to get back into making our friends laugh with our auditory antics. Don't worry, folks, I'll try to avoid scaring the kids with any pictures of me in Sugoi trunks. Lets just say that I'm coming down off of my post-Ironman-post-market-depression-depression-eating-disorder-weight-gain high of 282 lbs (that's 32lbs over my IM weight...).

I'm racing in a couple of weeks. 15 days from now in fact. I'm of course way too heavy and way too undertrained for anything other than haveing some fun and getting it done. Having a race on the calandar makes the training real. I'm such a goal oriented person... for some reason I can't get myself out of bed just to run. I have to be training. There is a difference.

I've got a few newbee triathletes doing first tri's at this same race. Lee and Chris will be toeing the line for the first time at a tri - I'm trying to help them out as best I can - it's been so long since I've raced, I keep going back to their offices to give them another piece of advice that I all of a sudden remember. You know, like start your swim wave as close to the front and center of the pack as you can.

Yes, I'm still a bastard...


Visionbuilder said...

Look forward to the next installment of the tacboy and bigun pod thingy!! The hallow'd hall must be quite dusty. Maybe send Momo up to open a window or two before your visit....
Good luck on your race!! I wish I could run still!!

Visionbuilder said...
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Visionbuilder said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting back into it and thanks for blogging Bigun. I'm hanging out for the next show and hope that everything comes together for you soon... and I need to make sure that when I start doing triathlons later this year that I always really consider before acting on the advice that you may offer're a nasty pasty aren't ya? It made me laugh though! Good luck for the race. Chris - Bridgetown Western Australia

Duane said...

Glad you are back!

Trisaratops said...

So good to see you back! Enjoy the race and have fun.

Ryan said...

There are much better ways for leg strengthening than packing yourself with 32 lbs of gorditas and triple cheeseburgers, but damn that sounds like a great time. I am glad your back...I really missed you in a innocent man-love sort of way; facebook just isn't doing it for me. You had me at Clydesdale!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

You can also tell them to breast stroke it while in the fray, and that nobody will mind.

RockStarTri said...

As long as you didn't cannonball into the lane, the pool peeps shouldn't have lectured. Don't forget the newbie advice of taking as much space as necessary in transtion to setup the barcalounger, beach umbrella, and wading pool to clean off their feet.

Excel Man said...

Glad that you are training again. Don't forget to tell your friends that the easiest way to run the last half of the 5k run is to stay in the soft sand. Look forward to racing with you again ..... finally :^)

Sugoi? I hate Sugoi shorts. Those leg gripper thingies tear the hair out of my legs .... and I ain't gonna shave.

You've been away so long that I no longer do excel spreadsheets for every race - I'll give up my name if you think it is appropriate.

greyhound said...

I'm glad you're knocking the cobwebs off. I've been worried about you.

21stCenturyMom said...

Welcome back to blogland, the pool and triathlon.

The cool thing about triathlon is that even on your worst, most under trained race day you are doing something that 90% of the people you see every day can't imagine doing - and that is, in the parlance of the 21st Century - AWESOME!

TRI-ROB said...

Glad you're back sweet cheeks.


Sarah said...

Yay! Missed the updates and the podcast. And dude, I feel ya, I gained 15 after my half last year, and I can feel it hauling my butt up the hills. Hop to it!