Edited Again in July with new arrivals to the Party (17 blogger-racers and 10 blogger-support crew)! (I think this is it now)

This train's leaving from the station, and there's a party a goin on. An Ironman party. Who's all here, you ask? Well, we have the Bigun, obviously. Then there's two mystery guests, a man and

a woman...(
ok, we now have one Mystery Guest - and no, it wasn't Desiree - it's none other than Tri-Greyhound - he's next to the
bar giving lessons on tying a bow tie to Bolder - unsuccessfully I might add...) didn't I tell you, this is a masquerade party, and somehow I got all the secret identities. The keeper of secrets - that's me. How I got to be the one, I got no idea....
wait a minute, what's this? In a surprise move our other mystery guest takes off her mask - it's MOMO! Another Coeur d'Alene Vet joins the party, officially, and in a wise move proceeds two fisted over to Big J to keep him absolutely snockerd, lest he figure out that she was racing yet another Ironman! (I can't wait to meet Big J, btw - we's gonna have big laughs...)
Blink140pnt6 got his game on singing karaoke - what's that? A Star is Born?

Sounds just like Barbra... Barbra Walters that is!
Iron Eric's singing background - it's a good thing, not that Blink's got much better of a voice...

Sweet Baboo over in the corner getting hydrated on

Gatorade and Cytomax - the guy's an animal! He's got
Curly Sue on the couch and she's telling him all about her secret life of crime - well, it's not so secret anymore miss Ponytail Bandit (
in case you are wondering, Myles is a shrink...).
Spokane Al is here, all healed up and raring to go - this train stops in his backyard - no funny business you - HEY Spokey, do you really think the

Electric Slide is a good idea, I mean, you could pull something! Tending bar we have the
Bold - Boldster, the Bold-one - the P-dawg Leader is in the house! CdA may not have chosen him, but he's got a dozen or more microbrews that have - before, during and after the race!

Accompanying Bold in the IMCdA'08

Cheering Section are veteran CdA racer
IronBenny and Nytro - be nice,
Nytro - hey look at you, I guess pink is the new black...
Big Duane (seen here with Iron Eric) has got the beer bong out and is getting crazy, getting ready for a long day of cheering everyone on!
As if Colorado was not represented enough, DrBubba has joined
the RAVE and has started his own mosh pit. I see Duane eyeing the fun...and the Bigun will stay clear thank you very much. Veteran Tri-Sherpa and all around great cheerleader Stronger (not to mention a kick-ass triathlete herself) is enjoying the more sophisticated tastes of Mojitos - who knew Bolder could whip those up from scratch?
T-guyJ's throwing around his weight and some custom T's - I really like the one's he's got with the hot chicks in bikini's airbrushed on the front.
- you'll have to excuse us for a minute. Or two. Or just a minute.
Dread Pirate Rackham (cheerleader extraordinaire) read "the memo" - it ain't a party until someones nekked in the hot-tub - and proceeded to officially make it a party!
Myles just grabbed a t-shirt for
Geek Girl -
GG just joined the fray and will be racing - so Team Baboo will be hiring sherpas - they will be in great practice after they both do IMKY together this year!...

Sitting in a comfy chair, watching everyone, sipping a glass of wine and just taking

it all in is IM Ultra-Vet
IronJenny - cool as spring day, calm and collected, IJ knows perfectly well what's in store - for everyone who's racing - she'll be cheering hard for us all on this one...
FE-Lady's got her own bottle of wine and is slow dancing with Mr. FE to Blink and Iron Eric's crappy singing.
TriDogMom is talking "pets" with Diana - I don't think it's
safe to have two pet lovers in such close proximity - her hubby and Ironman veteran Iron Shane entered on a Community Slot - glad to have him aboard for the fun...The
Bradster yells out, "Freebird!", and the whole crowd starts in with "If I stay here with you girl..."
Tea yells, "the heck with that crap, lets do the Macarena!! (I've been dying to fit that in!).
Someone heard we were doing the Macerena and thought it would be good to sign up for CdA, just to do the dance with us. Johnny-Tri's got a Harley rental waiting in Idaho for some post-race riding activities...One of the last gals to join the party is Boomer - making up for lost time she's chugging beers faster than Will Farrell at a frat party.
Joining the CdA Support Crew are BigMike and J-Wim (they are
scouting out the pain and suffering neccessary for thier '09 IM bids...); hey Bold, I think we need to tap a new keg! And none of that LaBatts Blue crap this time, thppppp eeeyucko! Even the
Kahuna will be joing us for his 2nd Ironman bid - bringing his guitar and plenty of Tequila for the post-race victory dance. Well, sit.
What a party! Who's missing?
You are one creative guy Bigun. Too Funny. No IM for me until I can get this water phobia licked. Maybe 09 somewhere?
A whole year.....I am sure it will fly by but right now, it seems like forever away! Can't wait!!!!!
What, no Macerana?
Sounds like a party!!
I don't have any regrets signing up for the race now. So many of us bloggers on board. What a great experience we will have!! I won't be singing though...
im jealous..!!
Man, this is just a cool post!
Good luck to everyone!!!
The time flies by...too fast.
I'm down to 73 days!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
Do they actually let felons compete?
I will do my best to stay vertical over the coming twelve months. And no worry about the Electric Slide - it is battery operated.
I am definitely, definitely NOT doing CdA 08.
I'm pretty sure.
Count ME in too...... I just couldn't imagine signing up somewhere else. Everything about this race was simply amazing.
I'm really starting to feel left out again..wahhhhhh
i'm either crazy or a glutton for punishment and i know my husband is going to kill me, but... i'll take my mask off.
its me!!!!
is it just me, or is Bigun missing from this partay?
Oh. My. God. You certainly have done your research! How do you know all this stuff? It's so great tho to know who is signed up and who is going and what their personalities are...(so I am a slow dancing wino? Hmmm!)
This is great though...thanks for all the inside information and I can't wait to meet up with everyone in a year!
you must be clairvoyant. Becuse I can't sing for sh@%!
I'm assuming you don't like to ride w/ people who wear cycling gloves as you can't read their palms.
No chicken bones here, if Bold has beer and IronJenny has wine...I'm all IN!
I'm not racing but I am going to volunteer and engage bigun in some chugging contests
Ahem...keep up there big guy, the GEEKGRL will be RACING IMCDA as of this morning.
Taconite boy will appear as IMCDL course super marshall. Flying high over head in the winged trimobile to ensure course safety, poised to spring into action at the sign of any bonking or whining
Sounds like a smokin good time.
Ulp is right...and I expect to be DFL of all these folks. There better be some people waiting for me at finish. I don't care how tired you are, I'll need a cheering sectino after my 16:59 race!
Time to count me in!
Uh, not for the race...for another round of Ironsherpa-ing.
I'm really new to the party, but I'm a clydesdale and can walk the walk.
I'm in too.
We might need more room on our train. Its getting pretty full. Very hard to keep roll call. Ahh..My head hurts.
I keep hearing 10,000 maniacs in my head....
With shaking hands and a credit card almost to the limit, I managed to get in for my very FIRST IM Coeur D'Alene 2008.
Where should we all stay?
Looks like a great group! I anxiously await seeing BigUn after a few brews!
I am on this Train!!!!
macerana, HD.. it dont matter.. Im all over it!!
Glad to be a part of the Group!
A party ain't a party unless you do the macarena.
Wow, sounds like a big party at IMCDA!
Congrats, BTW, on your Alcatraz Race. I just saw parts of it on TV today and it reminded me to see how you did. Enjoyed your race report!!!
Bigun.... Crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Big Bike Train Conductor...We salute you.
Hope to see you at the Chicago Tri when we go and watch that in a couple months.
Oh yeah one more thing. TOSS ME ONE OF THOSE SHIRTS TOO!!!!!!!
That sounds like quite a party. I may just have to crash it - as a Sherpa and Mojito drinker, that is.
Lets all give a shout to 21stcentury Mom so she'll come to CdA for sherpa/cheerleading duties...not to mention some mojitos!! Bold, hope you have a good stockpile of fresh mint!!
another peep for you bigun:
Hey, hey...thank you for welcoming me to the party. I feel so very special...and very happy to be here!! Can't wait to catch up on the beer drinking and the blog reading.
I'm planning to come along - except not to race. I shall be IronCheerleader.
Yeah!! I'll finally get to me Pirate! I feel like I already know her through Myles and Geek Girl!
well, good thing I didn't see this post before it sold out. Peer pressure... it's an ugly thing ;)
Big 'Un - so far I am in for IM WI cheerleading but I could easily end up at CDA 2008 as well. Time will tell!
Nice !!!
Glad you guy's had fun keeping me in the dark....FYI, I love a good joke - but don't grin to much....I knew in the back of mind mind that we would be going back to CDA....Momo always seems to get and do what she wants, she is a bit spoiled!!! Lucky girl....
But, the good news here: I get to meet and cheer you all on.....
So, with that in mind, AWAY WE GO.....BIG J.
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