101 gets cancelled. Still find it incredulous that people in the business of putting on races would spend all that time, money and effort and two months before an event just cancel an entire series. Of course, therein lies the problem - triathlon is a business on one side, the RD side, and anything but business to the athletes. But now my season's ending a month earlier. The bright side is that I've longer to train specifically for Coeur d'Alene. Yea.
Business has been HELL. Trying to fit 10lbs of sh#$ into a 8lb bag has been exhausting. I'm finally caught up, but I've got zero, nada, nichivo-niet, nill, nein - nothing in the way of training done for an entire week. What a slug. I didn't do a darn thing before last week's race either. 2 weeks and alll I've done is race once. Yuck! I feel like a large, round pile of crap. Is this a preview of Ironman tapers to come? Good grief, I'm addicted to training! There is light at the end of this tunnel called Florida Summer. I think the grass starts to go dormant in October, needing to be cut only half as much. Yea.
It's time to snap out of it. "this town needs an enema!". I'm setting the alarm for 4am on Monday. I'm getting up, running to the pool, swimming, and then running home. That's all there is to it. I will do well at the Florida Challenge Half. I will train hard these next three weeks. I am going to eat right. Sleep right. Repeat. Next Sunday, instead of feeling shitty like I do know, I'll be on a 12 mile long-run, thinking of my brothers and sisters in Madison going much, much longer. The energy will have been transferred from negative to positive. Then I'll sit down in front of the TV which will be cabled to my PC and we'll watch IMLive and cheer and beam and probably cry a little for our friends. Good tears. Yea.
Bigun, I'm there with you on the "bad training week" front, managing just to do the minimum required. However, better weeks ahead!
Good move to pick yourself up with a workout. Charge!
I am glad to hear that by the end of your post you had found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep rocking!
it seems like a few of us slacked this past week but you have the right Tude in getn back out there! set that clock and hit da road! or else JT will bust yo chops. ha!
Oh Honey - I love you!
Way to snap out of it!
Count it as a sympathy taper - We're starting a new week!
just found out one of my new team mates did Chicago last week. had no clue.
I haven't done pot or drugs other. I understand what your putting down.
That's a great post--I'm sorry the Chicago situation left you with such a bad taste, but reorienting towards the future is definitely the way to go. I too am going to do a run next Sunday morning and think of Wisconsin racers!
Way to lift your own spirits!
The weird thing about Chicago is that Roman was ALWAYS listed as the #1 finisher in his division - always. They just robbed him of his lime light and then pooped on his head when he complained. Not nice.
You will be feeling better in no time! In fact it sounds like you feel better already.
You can do eeeeeet!
Nothing like wanting to snap out of the post-race blues to motivate!
Don’t let the bastards get you down big man. What the heck was the controversy over Roman’s finish anyway?
Maybe it’s just the knowledge that the season is winding to an end, which always causes me to enter a bit of a funk though I usually counter that with a nice winter marathon or two, or three…anyway something to consider. The GEEKGRL and I are thinking about doing an inaugural event in Jackson Mississippi called the Mississippi Blues Marathon, apropos I know, no need to thank me.
Nothing like a good bike ride, swim or run to get yourself out of a funk! Move on forward!
That's how we separate winners and losers. The winners know how to come back from a bad week/day.
You, my friend, are on your way to a great race.
Of course, the bonus is when you finally get to meet ME at CDA. Isn't that something to look forward to?
Hey Dude - Leave me out of your enema campaign. Integrity ... there you go with that duty, honor, haircut stuff again. Everything always works out ok - it's like some universal law or kharma or something. Roman got 1st - at some point down the road the RD will be found guilty of cheating on something and be sent to jail and everything will be cool. As for your training... it seems that you post a blog about 4 times a week. From this point forward you are only allowed to post a blog after swimming 2k, biking 55 mi, and running 10 mi. Consider it a blog for volume program. That should get you back on track. Now turn off your computer and go train or as blink said "get your ass out the door."
That's okay, Bigun, you don't need to train. You're perfect just the way you are. This is a paid announcement! ;)
I with you on that training front as well. Don't let it get you down. Think of the good, you are caught up on the work end of your life.
Oh and your comment on my blog today made me almost piss my pants, while coffee was spraying of my nose...I'm just saying :)
Gutted about the 101 showdown. What race are you peaking for a month earlier ? Are you coming to Texas to do the Longhorn half?
I've got some airmiles to use, I could come do the Suncoast triathlon at the end of October at Fort De Soto if you are up for a race??
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