Ok, I missed a planned ride on Tuesday. I'm not so rigid that the missed ride will kill me. But now I've got one scheduled for Thursday - and it's not looking too good. Still no bike. Still en route from San Francisco. WTF?
Base workouts are so much fun, aren't they? NOT! This 8.5 mile run this morning took me an hour and 40 minutes. Good grief. I was more than ready for it to be over. Note to self: June in Tampa means Camelbacks on all long runs, for now on. I can't find my Garmin, so I don't know what my HR was for the run, but I kept my perceived effort at minus 3, so I'm sure it was low for the whole run. I may have even taken a nap somewhere around mile 5.
I tried to get to the pool this morning. Set the alarm for 4:45 - got up when it went off! Lo and behold - thunder and lightning at 4:45 am - again, WTF? Some serious rain and wind right along with the loud stuff - I knew the pool would be closed, so back to bed I went - it sure is easy to sleep with the rain on the roof.
Off triathlon - this lawn business is no joke. In this heat, by the time 3pm rolls around, I'm DONE! I've
done this kind of work before - like 10 years ago - the Bigun ain't no spring chicken anymore. It's all about perception - in a month or so, 6 lawns in a day will be replaced with 10 and it won't seem like any big deal. Hopefully. Good thing is that I don't feel like eating in that heat all day. I'm drinking a ton of water. And I'm getting a wicked farmer's tan.

Now, do I really look like Howie Long?
Spitting image dude.
very close. But who does Di fantasize you look like...I ah, I mean ah, who does she think you look like.
Comm, in answer to your question...Buzz Lightyear Of Course! (to infinity and BEYOND!)
Huh, I don't see it ;-)
What's up with the bike? How did you send it?
i'm in love with howie long. what does that mean?????
Still Buzz Bigun , sorry
I think Howie long looks like you.
I told you you need 2 bikes. Think you'll have it back for the 8 Jul 30k TT at Ft DeSoto?
How do we know that Andy Potts didn't steal your bike in San Francisco? I think I saw him riding a yellow Felt in the video clip of last week's ITC World cup race in British Colombia!
I see Mal (a frequent contributor to Phidip) has visited your blog. Hello Mal.
Is that your twin???
I'm liken Buzz.... but howey is not far off..
ps. you feel naked, no garmin, no bike.. yeah, wtf, bigun.. :)
i always thought you WERE Howie Long...
wtf else would i be reading your blog?
for the stunningly visual race reports, and following you on your journey to Iron?
give it up Howie -- it's time to come ooooot!
Definatly Howie.
Hmm no bike....call the shippers.
Fear the farmers tan.
Two peas in a pod. Well, three is you count Buzz.
Wear your sunscreen!!!!!!!
p.s. - love your new profile pic!
Dude-Your posts crack me up. If Howie Long is older than you, than you look like him. If you are older than him, then he looks like you. Either way, you guys' bloodlines are crossed somewhere. Hope the lawn business stays good.
Wednesday's rain ruined many a workout in Tampa Bay, let me assure you.
Six lawns in this heat sounds like it's own form of extreme training. I hope you're drinking gatorade to replace some of those calories, since you're not hungry for normal food.
Hell yea you look like Howie! Did I start this? But you also look like Buzz. Sorry, I'm sure there is a compliment somewhere in there. I can't speak for Buzz, but I hear Howie gets lots of looks from the ladies. Typically, you never want to be confused with an ex lineman, but Howie didn't let himself go. Now, if someone said you looked like the Fridge, then you'd have a problem.
Now, do I really look like Howie Long? Affirmative. Mrs B, I'm thinking split-aparts. You? ;)
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